I know I shouldn't feel so optimistic, but I do...


Earlier today I had an interaction with my husband's aunt (love her to pieces). I was making pancakes for dinner and went to put brown sugar in them and got pissed(quickly) about it because I accidentally(I've been forgetful this week) put white sugar in it (I was craving brown sugar). All of a sudden she says "Are you pregnant?" I was speechless for atleast 20 seconds. I told her "No.🙄 Actually I don't know because I am in my two week wait." She then says "Oh, because I know a ton of women who crave brown sugar in those two weeks."

I will tell you, it gave me a bit of hope. I know that just because she says something it doesn't mean I am. But it gave me more hope than it should have. I am going to hide my head under a rock now. Try and calm down my hopeful desires so when af shows her stupid face, I won't be too sad.

Ttcing 2 years 3 months. Goodluck ladies! Hope you all get your bfp!