Losing my Mind!

I guess this will be more of accent session! I was told I had cysts on my ovaries a few months ago but that everything was healthy other than that. Very healthy eggs and lining! Then my blood test came back. Low progesterone indicated no ovulation. I have been on Metformin and Levthroxin. Well, I was retested yesterday and I'm awaiting the results. I have absolutely no side effects that indicated I'm not ovulating. I have my period same flow same time every month for the same amount of days 5-6 days. Once in a blue moon I may be a day late or spot a day over. I have a heavy flow but everyone in my family has that and has had no trouble conceiving. Last week I took an at home ovulation test and I got strong positives for two days. Which doesn't indicate progesterone I know but I had all the symptoms. I have a discharge, I cramped more than I every have, I felt nauseous, upset stomac... I just felt weird last week. Now fast forward to this week. Slight aching in lower abdomen but nothing terrible. I am bloated beyond belief... like my pants barely button, and they fit last week. I have no appetite, I can't sleep hardly at night, nauseous, constipated, and just tired. What is going on with my body! Am I losing my mind? I feel like I'm on a roller coaster of emotions bc I don't know what to expect the next day. 😩