Dark Brown AF

Wynter • Luckiest wife ever, being married to my best friend ❤️ Dog mommy to four 🐾
Back in January, I had to an abortion because of a dangerous ectopic. Since then, my AF has normalized out. This is the first month since than that my husband and I have been TTC. Af was 3 days late (which has never happened). I had this intuition that I had conceived- I was feeling sick to my stomach in the morning, and randomly dizzy. And oh-so moody. And off and on crampy after my O day. Yesterday it started extremely light brown. I wore a pad but it only had a few drops on it. This morning it's a bit heavier, but typically I go through a pad in under three hours. It's been 8 hours and wasn't very full (changed it anyway of course). I took a HPT yesterday think possible implantation bleeding (if I ovulated later than I thought). Has anyone had very light in quantity, but very dark AF? Is this a pregnancy thing? All advice is welcome!