Feeling pretty darn awful😔

Hi everyone, just needing to vent. I suffered greatly with post natal depression after the birth of my little girl. She is and always has been my absolute world but when she was eight months old due to a lot of things I had a huge mental breakdown and tried taking my own life. It's something I still feel guilty about. As I watch old videos of her as a baby I'm overcome
With guilt, sadness, anger and any negative feelings imaginable. How could I ever have wanted to leave my little girl 😢 I said some pretty awful things about her leading up to my breakdown. I didn't mean a single one at all but I feel sick to my stomach thinking of it.  She is nearly four now and she is amazing. She's so happy and she's absolutely thriving but I just feel so guilty for ever thinking/feeling that way and I think I always will. I've posted this anonymously as I really don't want or need any negativity. Feeling awful as it is 😕