rant needed!!!

Sorry ladies just needed a rant!!
So my boss let me go to my hospital appointment this morning to get my bloods done meaning I was late into work so she's had to work from home (not that she does much work might I add). I'm a nanny. I get in to work at 10 after getting my bloods done she then proceededs to tell me I could have got them done at any hospital or doctors when though my specialist had told me I need to go this hospital so the result come through quicker and it's a hell of s lot easier, we're having <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IUI</a> been trying naturally for 2 and a half years! But obviously my boss knows best and decides to argue with me about the specialist and she is wrong!! Now I'm get compared to her friends that have been trying for 4 years and then go for <a href="https://glowing.com/glow-fertility-program">IVF</a> but because We've been trying for 2 and a half years that's not good enough for her because we've only been together over 3 years!! Who is she to tell me what I can and can't do with my body & whether or not I'm ready to have a baby! She has no idea how difficult every month is when AF makes an appearance, when a negative pregnancy test comes up, when I'm laying in bed at night crying because our dream hasn't even come close to happening yet!! 
So angry and upset right now! Was so close to tell her to F*+#k off and walking out from work, I only have a month left thank god!! 😡😥