transdominal ultrasound at 7weeks, no heartbeat?

So i had my first dating ultrasound today. It was a trasdominal ultrasound. According to my last period i should be around 7weeks. The tech had me hold my breath 3 times to try and hear babys heart beat. I asked her if the baby had no heart beat but all she would say is that baby is too small still. I asked her about the size and how far along does it look like i am but she said she couldnt tell me anything and that i would have to wait to see my doctor for the results. I got to see my baby which looked tiny but it was there. I dont see my doctor until 3weeks and im worried sick! Ive had 1 misscarriage before and the same thing happened the doctor asked me to hold my breath a few times but couldnt get a heartbeat, then she did a transvaginal ultrasound and nothing either. So as u can understand im really scared , sad worried uh cant explain all these emotions. Has this ever happened to anyone? What was the outcome??