Breast milk to Formula


Advice please! My son has been on BM since he was born 9 months ago. My body isn't able to keep up any more so we are trying to switch to formula. He WILL NOT take it. He drinks for a couple seconds then pushes it away. We've tried mixing it with BM and he does the same thing. I don't know what to do.

*Forgot to put it when first posted. I exclusively pump so I know exactly how much he eats vs how much I'm producing*

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Do you warm it? It could be a temp thing.  You could try baby's only formula. It tastes like a vanilla protein shake. It's also organic.  Doesn't stink. They have quite a few different kinds. You would have to order it, but it comes in the mail pretty fast. I really liked it when I used it with my middle child.


Brittany • Apr 29, 2017
How's your son doing with the formula?


Brittany • Apr 24, 2017
No problem. I'm glad I could help :-)


Rebecca • Apr 24, 2017
I ordered it from Amazon and he seems to like it. So thank you!


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Can I ask why you think he's not getting enough?


Rebecca • Apr 22, 2017
I exclusively pump. Forgot to put that in my post.


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Donated milk.