You know it's a great marriage when...

I'm so tired, frustrated and upset, just needed a place to vent. I do EVERYTHING in my power to keep my husband happy. But it never seems to do the trick. We have 3 kids agrs 8, 6 and 3 and I'm constantly running them all over hell and gone for school and sports. Place we have a farm so I keep all the animals fed and kept all on my own. Plus somehow manage to do all the laundry, dishes, house spotless and their little mouths fed with home cooked meals. Yet in his eyes I can't seem to go to bed with him correctly, cuddle him when I'm dead asleep correctly or even wake up and get out of bed to get my day started correctly. I constantly am doing wrong in his eyes. So after our fight tonight where he was doing nothing but accusing me of not coming up behind him to kiss him on the neck enough when he's around, as he always does after we have a spat instead of trying to make amends and everything better for us, the kids and our evening, he goes outside alone, builds a fire and drinks a full case of beer. Alone. I can't even begin to count the amount of times I've asked him NOT to do that. I'm at a loss. Trying to keep my head up out of water and focused...