finally ready to do this!

Sarah • 27. Married. My son was born 2/22/16 and his little sister 7/5/17
I've spent a majority of this pregnancy, my second pregnancy, mainly scared to endure labor again (I had a pretty great, 10 hour labor with my first, pushed for a half hour and he was here!) totally unmedicated and unassisted- but that pain🙈 I had all back labor with him so hoping this baby isn't posterior- other than that I finally feel empowered about it, not scared anymore, ready to do this! My first paved the way right?? My uterus has more knowledge on what to do?the first time my mom, husband, and best friend coached me.... this time my husband just wants it to be the two of us, I've been nervous about it because my mom helps me immensely when I'm in pain or am anxious... but I understand my husband wanting it to be an intimate moment for the two of us- I think if this time is quicker I'll be fine. Bring on all the pain asap and let's just get this done with so I can hold my baby girl! How do you all feel at this point in your pregnancy about labor?