A little advice from other mums needed!

My daughter Lucy is almost two and a half and partially deaf, she wears hearing aids in both ears and isn't speaking more than maybe twenty words yet. 
Yesterday, she was a flower girl at a friend's wedding and there were lots of other children there. Lucy, my daughter, was playing with other children on the dance floor, she was running around chasing the others and catching them, the others were doing the same. 
A mother of one of the children said that the other children were complaining that Lucy was too rough with them but didn't want to tell me. I'd been watching closely and thought she was okay, that it was nice to see her playing so well and interacting with other children. I get no complaints from her nursery about how she is with other children. 
It's upset me that the other children didn't like her and the way she plays. They stopped playing with her eventually even though she kept trying to interact with them and I spent most of the night playing with her instead. 
I don't want her to be rejected because of her hearing loss and her lack of communication skills. It's making me sad because she is such a kind and loving little girl. 😞