I was raised by a single dad and my grandparents

My mom left at a pretty young age. She look my younger sister and I didn't hear from her for probably 5-6 years. My dad did the best he could and for a while he did really well but when I got older he realized I needed a female influence so I moved 3 miles down the road and was raised from about 13-17 by my grandma. I did everything with her. But I didn't have a traditional up brining so I never knew what it was like for a mom or what to look for in a healthy relationship. So here I am with my self locked in the bathroom completely exhausted just trying to get 10 minutes where my husband isn't yelling at me because I didn't do something or I did do something he didn't like and 10 minutes with out hearing my child scream and cry because I can't hold her while I do the dishes and clean the house trying to get 10 minutes where I'm not at work trying to make the maximum amount of money so I don't have to hear my husband tell me that I'm not contributing enough financially 10 minutes to cry. Everyone says mom's do everything so I'm assuming this is normal. I'm assuming it's normal to be the only one who gets up with the baby, I'm assuming it's normal to be excited for the grocery store to open on Sunday just so I can get out of the house by my self and not be going to work. I never thought my idea of self treating would be going to cuts plus down the road to get my eye brows waxed and my dead ends cut. I feel like I took a wrong turn somewhere but everyone says it's normal.