feelsl stuck in a rut!

Hi ladies. I need some advice on where to riem to next.
Me and my partner have been TTC for a year now and I literally feel like giving up! 
I didn't think this would be easy at all but there's nothing you can do to prepare yourself for how hard this can be and I wouldn't wish this on anyone!
I had a miscarriage back in August but my body was so messed up from contraception that unfortunate I lost my baby.. Fast forward to now after losing my period for 5 months and being diagnosed with underactive thyroid I finally got my periods back. 
The past few months have been really hard as although my Periods were regular I had a short 9 day luteal phase 😩
My doctor is useless and makes me feel as though I'm being really stupid most of the time. I went back doe bloods like she said for Cd21 which for me was cd27 as I ovulate a lot later around cd22/23 of a 32 day cycle.
My progesterone level was 0.6!! My thyroid was right down to 2.2 which is much better but I clearly didn't ovulate! I'm now a week late for my period and I'm clearly not pregnant as tests are negative. 
I'm at a loss of where to turn to for help. My doctor ia only on surgery 2 days a week and I can't get an appointment with her untill 19th June!! I'm in the uk so I have no way of getting in touch with a fertility specialist for advice. What do I do?