am tired

Am so tired of telling my husband how I feel and he doesn't care, he feels like all I do is nagg.. but he doesn't like to communicate only me.. he ignores me all the time and don't say nothing or wake out the house .. he never says nothing positive about me always negative . He told me today that I don't give him enough sex. But I always got to do the most when we do. I have to always finish it.. he just stick it in and that's it. He doesn't fore play or nothing so I get bored of doing the same thing everyday ..  he can social life but I can't unless is under his terms..  am so tired  and hurt I told him I don't want to see him any longer, he left like always and out his things in a bag in the closet.. I feel like there's nothing left here. Like he's not ready 🙁 any advice on what should I do. I might be pregnant since I did a tubal reversal 4 weeks  ago and we being ttc