Love of my life, fighting for his life.

Hello all! I know this is a <a href="">pregnancy app</a> and I am almost 30 weeks pregnant but that isn't what this post is about. I know everyone on here is very supportive and that's really just what I need right now. The love of my life and father of my child is on life support. We are 22 year old soon-to-be parents and this is the hardest circumstance I have ever had to deal with. Diabetes that we didn't know he had sent him into diabetic ketoacidosis and Friday morning into congestive heart failure. They said he has cardiomyopathy which is what his father passed away of just two years ago. He has a lot of fluid in his chest. He is stable but naturally I'm very concerned. He is my soul mate. Seeing tubes coming out of him every which way and not being able to touch or talk to him is very hard. Pregnancy hormones don't help! All I ask is for prayers or good vibes or whatever it is that you do! I am a firm believe in everything happens for a reason and I know he is going to pull through. Just keep him in your thoughts if you would. 
Update: TONY IS OFF LIFE SUPPORT!!! He is up and talking. Tony is leaps and bounds better than he was just a week ago. Thank you for all of your thoughts and prayers! Continue praying for his heart function to increase! They believe he will still have heart failure the rest of his life, BUT we can manage it. He is alive and he is a fighter. Thank you all so so much! 
*I had to post a picture because he is just so darn handsome*