
I am 15 years old and my stepfather is an alcohualic. My mom has anxiety and A bad habit of blaming everything on herself. My stepdad is also just a straight up asshole. Try mansplainer, rude, inconsiderate, and any time I try to talk about a book or play he counters my exitment with the idea the he already knows everything because he was an English Major. My mom has been divorced once before and has stayed with my stepdad through "almost" cheating and mental abuse. They stayed together for my sister, and considering the fact that she got a divorce with my dad (who is at least a loving, kind, thoughtful person) when I was younger than my sister, that kinda hurts. Anyway, we moved away from all my friends and she didn't get me a new therapist because I guess she thought everything would magically be better. I just found 4-5 empty travel size vodka bottles in the guest bathroom. Should I tell her, or just let her find it?
Sorry for the long post.