Racist husband

I am a Christian and believe strongly that we are all created in the eyes of God and that you are supposed to love all people no matter what including no matter how they act, who they love or what color their skin is. Having said that, I never notice skin color when out in public because color literally does not matter, we're all the same. I've been with my husband for six years all together and married for two. I'm going to post on anon because of how embarrassed I am that my husband is this way. In the beginning of our relationship, he had never been introduced to God so throughout dating, I witnessed to him and he found God while he was at basic for the Army and was saved there with his 1st Sgt. This was 3 years ago. Lately with all the controversy with Islam and back when "Black Lives Matter" was a huge thing, he made so many racist remarks. I've never once looked past it and always call him out on it, but something's changed. He constantly makes a racist joke or comment when in public or even just at home. As a Christian, (or even just as a decent human being) this is not okay with me. And it shouldn't be with him if he were a Christian. I honestly don't know how to deal with it. I would never divorce him for this reason, of course, but how do I get in his head that this isn't okay? TIA