I just give up.

Never been the type to give up.. but I have, I have given up trying.. we have tried for almost 9-10 months maybe, I wouldn't say we put shit loads of effort in the whole time but there was months where I had put in a lot of effort to get it right only to wake up to aunt flow every time! So I decided I'm going to stop trying really hard! And just make love when we want to without TRYING and putting so much effort in.. just let it happen. STILL nothing so I kinda lost hope... and with that... I've stopped going a little baby crazy. Which is good... because I've stopped getting my hopes up and I've stopped making that my life. I think if you struggle to have a baby then you need a break. Can't go on forever like this. Well anyway the past week I've had 3 different baby dreams. I had one where I had twin girls, my partner had one the same night that we had a daughter in it. Then the second I can't really remember but I know I had another pregnancy dream. Then last night I had one where I was pregnant.. saw an ultrasound and everything I was so happy!!!!!! I was telling everyone in my dream... then I woke up to pain in my tummy. Not to mention these dreams feel SOOOOOO real! And in the first dream I was actually saying to my self in my dream! That this is real it's not a dream! 
They have been so real! Has anyone else had this? Cause because of these dreams I'm starting to feel baby crazy again lol 😂