weird question....

So I know this is for periods, pregnancy, etc. but this is the only place I can post anything without everyone I know seeing it. It's about a song, a song I wrote, because I like to, and uh yeah... just wondering if you guys like it or not. 
They told me they would never hurt me and, told me they would always see me and, told me it would always be the same.
Told me that it was worth it and, told me that I had a purpose and, told me not to talk to them....
But lies will always face me and, lies will always shake me and, lies will always be the same, but
What could she do what could she say to make it stop, I know that even I can't break that mountain top, words can change but pain won't stop, it won't stop, it won't stop, 
That's all I have so far, also I know it's not great, I'm only 11...