just need to vent I feel hopeless!!

Anna • Mom of 3 girls! TTC our little bowtie baby☺️. Angel baby above. Waiting for our rainbow
Trying to conceive is so frustrating! In January I lost my little bean on the 23rd.. I finally started a cycle in march and recorded it from there. But later that month I had 3 days of spotting.. my period was estimated to be 15 days ago! It never came. But guess freaking what! 7 pregnancy test later all negatives and 11:00pm at night I'm freaking spotting! Not to mention earlier today I had cramps so bad if felt like my miscarriage all over again which scared the hell out of me and made me rethink even trying again. I feel hopeless and mad that I was off with my ovulating and now I don't even now how to calculate my periods 😭. How do you even stay positive.. I can't get over the fear of going through a miscarriage again. I feel so guilty. I really thought this month was it :/