Confession of a breast feeding mother

So in the beginning we all have that decision to breast feed or not or just can't do it at all. With my first I couldn't so he was formula fed and was a chunky boy. He loved to eat and still does as a one year old. With my second son I successfully and blessed to be able breast feed right from the tab with maybe one bottle to give me a break once in awhile. With that being said, everytime he fusses or cries they think he is hungry because he is breast fed....He eats very well for a two month old. He is gaining weight, pooping and peeing the right amount of diapers and over all doing amazingly. My supply is great and if it dwindles I take care of it. I get so frustrated with the fact that they don't accept my breast feeding. Yes he is still small and not super chunky like his brother was. Yes he is glued to boob and yes he will try to look for yours if he is hungry. But they don't realize the nutrients he is receiving and bond that is growing. I LOVE breast feeding. It has given me a respect for moms who do this for years and for the moms who tough it out to get a few months in whether pumping or right from the tab. Also it has given me the confidence to fuck it (sorry for the language) and feed my son with NO cover anywhere anytime. It seems like it will take awhile for people (especially my family) to understand what breasts where really made for...Sorry to rant ladies. Here are my beautiful baby boys😍