Let me share this


Hi, i don't really talk about things like that with anyone but i feel the urge to share what i feel or it will destroy me from within.

Last few weeks i don't feel very well. My mother seems to be bossing me around and making fun of me and insulting me every chance she gets and her husband, my stepdad, enjoys making me feel as small as he can. I'm taking my maturita exam (similar to graduation) in few weeks and my nerves are stretching. My emotional state led me to even think about suicide. And i know this is not an option. I have actually thought about it many times since i was like 13 or so. But i don't want to make this post about this horrible thing.

I suffer from social anxiety and in our neighborhood im known for always being the good one, the one that helps everybody with everything since i was little. But the older i get the more it hurts to be good to people when they don't give back plus they treat you like shit. And i think im not made for this world there's no chance i will ever be truly happy when there's so many people who turn everything i say upside down and stab my back and wait for my happy moments to hurt me.

I just wanted to share. Thank you for the opportunity. I love you girls.