c-section panic attack

I'm panicking right now because I just got scheduled today for a c-section on may 8th due to my baby being breech. I'm 37 weeks and by 39 my ob wants this done. I've never had one done and it was always one of my biggest fears. All of my other kids have been vaginal and head down by now. I really don't believe by next week he will turn. Which my dr said he will check next Monday and if still the same we are going through with the c section. I asked to be put to sleep because of my high anxiety and he said it's not safe for baby. I've been crying ever since. Can they give you something to calm you down during? I already know I'm gonna hyperventilate and probably throw up. I feel like that now and I'm just thinking about it. Some people say it's not that bad but for me it's terrifying. Someone help?