👣Ashley👣 • It's a girl!!💕💜💕
Hi so I'm reaching out to you woman  today to y'all about my experience 
So I'm 7 weeks today but I've been having light bleeding since I can remember actually since I've had light bleeding I thought my period was coming soon this was a few (weeks ago) so last Thursday it was weird to me that it was the 20th and  no period yet but the weeks prior I would spot. so long story short I took a test came out positive!!
Well every since last week I keep spotting up to this day!
It was FREAKING ME OUT making me super nervous I'm at high risk and has had previous (MC) I would google and ask everyone there though about light bleeding I WOULD GET THE ITS NORMAL your only 6 weeks bla bla bla bla.
So finally I couldn't take it it was killing me to find out if I'm ok!!
So I go to the ER and I was told I'm great baby's great but he did a pelvic exam and he found what was called cervicitis witch I have never heard of this so I went along with what he had to say I wasn't to convinced that was it so I get home so some research it made totally sense it causes you to bleed in between periods no wonder this hole time I was thinking I'm get my period soon.. if you look it up it's a weird thing different causes mine happen to be from infection not STD) but any who if your bleeding and can't figure out why google this up our get checked out ASAP SORRY for the long post but I wanted to spread the awareness