pregnant and struggling to quit smoking

I'm currently 8 weeks pregnant and I'm really struggling to quite smoking does anything ne have any advice on ways to help I'm trying to cut down but just don't feel like I can do it 
EDIT I am currently under a stop smoking service and am trying NRT. I wish I had the willpower to just say I'm pregnant and that's it I won't smoke but I'm really struggling and negative comments are not what I was looking for I was looking for advice on what others have done to help them give up smoking. I know it's bad and I want to give up for my baby but I am struggling 
Thank you to everyone who has been encouraging I will keep trying to cut down while using the NRT and hopefully I will be quit soon 
Thank you so much to everyone I am starting to feel a bit more like I can do this I'm managing to cut down maybe not as fast as I would like but I'm taking one day at a time