No symptoms = Unhealthy pregnancy?

So I know this is probably BS but I have myself worried. I have a bunch of health issues including thyroid issues and I'm so afraid of miscarriage because of this since I'm at a higher rate than normal. I am 6 w 1 day and I am having basically zero symptoms. Just sore boobs and even then it's not bad. I'm still working with my RE for now because we did treatments to achieve this pregnancy. My HCG levels where 105 the day I found out then 650 then 1819 all two days later of course so my levels are good but I'm scared because I'm not feeling anything something is going wrong. I get my first ultrasound on Monday to make sure the baby is in my uterus since I had an ectopic last year. I'm so scared there won't be a heart beat. I'm sure I'm just being crazy but has anyone else had very little symptoms and still had a healthy pregnancy. I think because I read an article on THe Bump yesterday saying the more Morning sickness you have, the healthier the pregnancy usually and that's what has me thinking