lengthy, but I need advice

I'm 16 years old and I've been dating my boyfriend for almost a year. Anyways, my periods have always been somewhat regular (29-31 day cycle.) They normally come on the 17th. My last period was January 17th, I haven't had one since. That period was weird because it was fairly light. My periods are normally pretty heavy. When February 21st came I took a pregnancy test, because my boyfriend and I are sexually active. We do use protection but sometimes those things fail. It came back negative. I took another one a week later (February 28th) , because there was still no sign of a period. That test came back negative as well and I had no symptoms of being pregnant. So I stopped worrying and just figured that my cycle was irregular because of my age. My boyfriend and I have had sex since then, if the number of times matter then maybe once sometimes twice a day. I figured that because I wasn't getting my period that meant I wasn't ovulating (I had learned in health, no period, no ovulation.) My question here is, is there any way I could be pregnant even though I haven't had my period since January. I've been getting terrible headaches almost every day and my appetite has been crazy. Also, last week I woke up at 2:30am puking my brains out, I thought it could've just been something I ate. It hasn't happened since then. Should I take a test? Thanks in advance