Abusive partner...

Jay • Im just a girl who's just trynna get thru life :)

Guys, i need help. My boyfriend and I have been dting for a year now. He is 18 & i'm 15 almost 16. When we met, he was the best boyfrined I could ever ask for. But then things started to change, i noticed that he would get really mad by the clothes i would wear, he doesn't let me wear open shirts, he always wants me to wear my hair down, he's manipulative, he's overly jealous, he's very controlling, he's i guess abusive...? A lot of people tell me to leave him because he stresses me out. When we met i weighed around 130lbs, but that was a year ago, now i weigh around 120,123,lbs. i honestly don't know what to do. Can you guys help me? i don't know how to tell him that he's hurting me. My mom doesn't like him. no body does. We started dating & a lot of my so called friends turned their backs on me & stopped talking to me. Help?