Cloth Diapers? How Many To Stock Up On? How Frequently Wash?


Asking mom's who use cloth diapers, preferably the prefolds such as Bummis with the plain covers. Not the all in one's or inserts as I'll be using a non-electric washer and hang drying.

How many prefolds should I have? How many covers should I have? How frequently should I wash a days worth of diapers?

I was planning to scrape every change, toss corn starch on top of prefolds in the bin every change, wash every 2-3 days, with a Wonderwash hand rank machine, then hang to dry in sunroom/breezeway if not outside by high noon. Then go to the laundry mat every week to use the large machines and full dryer.

My son is 5.5mo and only poops max 3 times a day, but averages 2 big poops. He goes through about 5-9 diapers a day. So I figured 27-36 prefold and 9-12 covers should be enough, if not too much?

What's your advice/experience?

Thanks in advance 😄