pregnant and paranoid

Feeling really paranoid. Should I be worried or am I paranoid? 
Where to start. Basically there's a girl my husband has been incredibly over gentelman like to. Like more than he's ever been to me since we met. And he's acting like he did to me when we first met, but to her. I haven't seen him smile like that in 10 years - but he does it to her. And lately he's been saying some of the most terrible things to me, putting me down constantly.  I am 7 months pregnant. We had been trying 6 months - so I packed the condoms away over a year ago. I found them out and the zipped bag opened and hidden in his underwear drawer. He and I had been having sex every day since I got pregnant. Until 2 weeks ago... it stopped. He just says he's tired, which never stopped him before. I haven't seen her around our social groups since the sex stopped. And then She got really sick a week ago. All the sudden he's sick too, both with strep throat. I've not seen adults get strep throat before. 
Is it all just paranoia or am I in trouble😔? I've confronted him about how he acts and he gets angry and tells me I'm making stuff up. What now? This is our 4th kid and we work together.