Sad and Feeling Let Down😳

I have my last Dr's appointment tomorrow and will be 40 weeks exactly. I was horribly sick last week but am feeling much better and just dealing with the last leg of congestion. My Dr and I spoke several days ago and he ok'd induction if I wanted it since I'm so tiny, baby girl is full term and I have small hips. All of my blood tests came back clear as well. My family that were going to come can no longer make it due to flu going around and chose to stay home and visit at a later date which I 100% agree with and understand. My MIL and FIL were adamantly against induction and now MIL is saying she's not getting in the car to come for delivery until I'm hooked up to pitocen. They live 10 hours away! I was really depending on her for my 2nd support person for labor and delivery..... I was already dilated to 3 over a week ago and have been doing all I can to naturally progress at home. I'm hurt and upset that I will be doing this with just my husband. He's my rock for all of this but I was really depending on more support during such an emotional time. Tomorrow is baby day. And I feel so let down by her stubbornness.