The Hijab: Oppression or Modesty?

Is it offensive to wear a hijab as a fashion statement? 
Is it offensive to wear a hijab without having a choice? 
I personally see the hijab as a form of oppression, but I'd like to get Muslim women's (and others of course) opinion on it. I often hear American Muslim women talk about how they wear it as a choice, but I also hear about women in Muslim majority countries not being allowed to show their hair or not wear a hijab or burka. 
If you are Muslim and wear a hijab, Do you mind if women of other or non religions wear it? I'm trying to get past my gut reaction whenever I see a woman in a hijab of thinking of a symbol of oppression but is it really anything but that? I've heard the argument "it's about modesty" but if it's something forced on you by society, with sometimes or oftentimes extreme consequences resulted by nonconformity, is it really anything but...?