So much energy! Nap tips?


My daughter has so much energy and is so interested in everything going on. It's awesome to see her wanting to try and do so much. She is almost 6 months. She is crawling everywhere, attempting to stand. I put her in her crib today and she pulled herself up to standing. So we have to lower that. :P

My question is nap time. Right now the only way I can get her to wind down is to bring her to my bed, turn the lights off, turn the sound machine on and nurse her. She sometimes stays snuggled up to me and other times rolls away. But this means I have to stay with her for pretty much every nap. I'd like to get her into her crib but it's a struggle. I've tried but all she does is play in it. I don't want to do CIO. I'm a SAHM and this system is working but obviously it's not a good habit and I can't do it for forever. I'm open to ideas and tips!!! Thanks! :)