Not on the pill

My boyfriend usually pulls out when we have sex but recently he's been saying he wants to cum in me. I'm not on birth control so I always say no even though I would want him to do it, I'm 15 and he's 18 so he doesn't take me seriously and I've told him I don't take the pill but he doesn't seem to care. We've been together for 7 months and he can get a bit rough and won't listen to me but more in a playful way. Can anyone help I'm scared to have sex with him again incase he does it and cums.  The last few times he's come to mine he hasn't brought condoms so we haven't done anything but he gets really rough and tries to so I don't think he can wait any longer. I'm doing my gcse's in 3 weeks and being pregnant is the last thing I need right now.