Umbilical cord true knot!

On March 7th I was induced at 40w2d after my husband, sister and doctor talked me into it. Before the induction even began baby girl was struggling. I was having pretty strong braxton hicks and she was having decelerations. After giving me a 1 liter IV fluid bolus my BH calmed down and she was stable. My cervix was tightly closed at the beginning of the induction. At 1030pm the nurses inserted cervadil and by 2am I was having horribly painful contractions and baby's heart rate was all over the place again. I asked the nurses to turn the sound of her heart rate off on the monitor because it was so stressful hearing her heart rate drop and I was so anxious and worried and knew I needed to relax for both of us. At 3am the nurses removed the cervidil because my contractions were too strong and baby wasn't taking it well. It supposed to stay in for 12 hours but it ended up only being in for 4.5 hours. I was at a wopping 1cm at 3am! But I had thinned was a lot so I took that as a small victory. The nurses came into my room every few minutes and adjusted the monitors on my belly and turned me from side to side trying to position me in a way that would get the most oxygen to baby. They put and oxygen mask on me and at that point I realized I should've slept all day instead of cleaning and organizing because I clearly wasn't going to get a wink of sleep until this child was out! I didn't the epidural this early (to be honest, I didn't want it at ALL which is why I was so against being induced) so I got some IV pain meds which just made me sleepy and woozy. My contractions were still terrible and I wasn't able to do much moving around to cope because of the monitors. My husband hooked up my scented oil diffuser and I just focused on breathing and trying to stay calm while we gave baby a break. At 5:45 am baby's heart was doing a little better and we got the pitocin started! At 0845 am my OB arrived and broke my water and I was at 4cm! Woop woop! She also inserted an internal contraction monitor to get an accurate reading of the strength of my contractions so the pitocin could be dosed accordingly. By now, the contractions were kicking my butt. I vomited and called my mom and told her to get ready to come to the hospital. I sent my husband to get my mom (she was visiting from california and I didn't want her to get lost on this particular day lol). The doctor said "so you don't want the epidural right?" And I said "no I want it! Now!" The anesthesiologist arrived within 20 minutes and after two sticks in the spine I was in a whole knew world were pain and suffering didn't exist! The nurses positioned my bed into a chair type position to let gravity and the contractions work baby on down. My mom and husband arrived and I chit chatted with them and ate ice chips. Earlier I had let an entire pitcher of ice melt and gulped it down when no one was looking. I refused to be in that bed thirsty and frothing and the mouth! At 1015 I was at 6cm and the nurse felt babies hair! At 1115 Her heart rate started slowing again so they stopped the pitocin to give her another break. My OB came back in and checked me and I was at 8cm! I wasn't having any pain but I could feel the squeeze of the contractions and I was trembling uncontrollably. She said I was shaking because I was in transition and once we started the pitocin back up it should go quickly! She was right! She started pitocin back up and came back in the room with her purse in saying she was going to leave and come back. She decided to check me first and I was ready to push! I pushed, and pushed and pushed. I heard her heart rate slow on the monitor and a nurse said "80" I knew what that meant. 80 beats per minute. My doctor told me to take a break and breathe and I told her I'm ready to push again. I had to get this baby out! I was not about to lose her or be rolled into the OR for emergency c section. I beared down and was looking at my stomach and I literally saw my stomach drop from big, high and round to low and deflated. Baby was out! I have no idea how long I pushed I think it was 10 to 15 minutes. At 1pm on March 8th Winter Giselle was born! Seconds later she was on my chest crying and my husband, doctor and nurses were going on about this long, knotted cord. The contractions were putting pressure on the knot causing here drops in heart rate. Thank God I agreed to be induced, who knows what the outcome could have been if I'd waited. I'm too protective to put her pic on a public forum but take my word she's gorgeous, full of personality and she's the light of my life!