lying to child's father

Sooo Me and my ex husband have been separated over a year now. I've been FaceTiming with my highschool sweetheart and first love  for a couple months who is over seas for school and will be for the next year... let's just say the feelings are still there. Anyway he invited me to come visit him for a week  in this beautiful paradise he's currently living in 😍😍 The issue here is I have a 2 year old and nobody who i can really trust to baby sitter her that long her father works a lot nor do I really want to leave her. I'm thinking I want to take her but I'm afraid her father won't sign for her to get a passport if I'm going to see another man. Would it be entirely to wrong if I lied and said we where going to visit my uncle who lives in Germany ? Lol. I know it sounds bad but I really don't know what else to do. I'm desperate to go. My heart really aches just to see him for a couple days and it'd be awesome to have a little tropical vacation with my princess 
Edit it's only been a year since I've seen the guy lol he's not a serial killer he's one of my best friends