Welcome baby Vinny


Kinda long but hang in till the end ^_^ I was due April 27th 2017

I got a call on the 25th from my doctors office saying they were able to get me on the schedule to be induced at 9pm on the 26th if I wanted to so I said yes! I live about an hour from my hospital so at around 6pm on the 26th me, my mom, sister, an husband packed up an went for dinner then headed to the hospital, at around 8:20pm the hospital called me and said they had no beds available and they would call me around maybe 3am when they had a bed, well I was already pulling into the hospital so I decided to just wait it out there instead of driving an hour home an another hour back later on. We ended up in the waiting (where 7 women were sent home and 3 delivered) we finally got called back to our l&d room at 5am April 27th I was hooked up to the monitor and was starting contractions on my own about every 5-6 minutes. Around 6am my doctor came to break my water and start pitocen I went medication free for about 6 hours till the contractions were about a minute an a half apart and very painful so I decided to ask for the epidural at noon cause it took them about an hour to get someone an set up an start it. So at 1pm I got my epidural which hurt worse then I expected, it wasn't the numbing needle that hurt it was the bigger one that I ended up feeling and every time something touched my spine i felt it while they were setting up the epidural and felt maybe 2 or 3 sharp pains in my hip an down my spine the lady doing it wasn't very understanding an asked everytime I moved if it was really necessary and that unbearable that I couldn't sit still which it was cause I wasn't numb so I was poked in my back about 4 times all together, but after the medicine kicked in I was able to nap and relax an was a lot nicer to my husband :p. I was using a peanut ball on each side while i napped to help open my hips an bring baby down (if you are offered one of those I can not stress this enough SAY YES) it made me even more comfortable an helped speed things up. Things went very smoothly an relaxing for the next few hours then around 6 everyone decided they were hungry so my hubby an sister went to get some dinner for everyone except me who smashed down on some popsicles! Then my nurse came to check my cervix (at the time of epidural I was 70% effaced and dilated to only a 2.5) she said give me your number guess for dilation an I said probably only 5, she checked me an said "well my friend are you ready to have a baby? Your cervix is gone" of course I was like yes! But my husband wasn't back yet so while they set everything up him an my sister got back an I asked him the same question "do you wanna have a baby?" He said what?! Now?! Like right now?! I said yes an he put his food down an was at my right side an my mom an sister at my left then my nurse came back and we talked about how to push an how to know if I'm doing it in the right spot my doctor came in to check everything an gave us the OK to start pushing! With each contraction I pushed 3 times for 10 seconds per push, I seriously felt like I wasn't doing anything at all so we tried the tug of war push (nurse tied a sheet in a knot an gave me one end that was tied together an she held the other an with every push she pulled on her end and I pulled on mine which really helped my pushing and helped me center where I needed to push from) I finally started to feel like things were moving along! Everytime they told me how much of baby they could see all I could say was "that's all?!" Then I got these great pushes in and his head was almost ready to start coming out! They told me to stop pushing while they got my doctor and of course when they say stop, don't push that's when you feel like you actually want to but I waited an then got the go ahead, 2 sets of pushes and his head was out then one more set of big pushes and shoulders an body came right after his head! They told me to look down at my baby cause he was here! Daddy cut his cord an they put him on my chest for skin to skin, then doctor came to check me to see if I had tore or ripped and I did, so he stitched me up while I layed with baby, getting stitched felt really weird because I was still kinda numb from the epidural but could still feel a little bit of what was doing on. He finished up they took baby to get weight an height an all the fun stuff.i was in labor from 5am till he was born at 7:23pm, 14 hours of total labor and 1 hour an 23 minutes of pushing. My nurse (who is a close family friend) was amazing and made the whole process an expierence so much more comfortable and easy for me and I have a absolutely great OBGYN. They both helped keep me calm even though I was terrified to the point it made my body shake. if it wasn't for my support I don't think I could have done it, my husband was amazing though the whole birth and even got emotional when he seen his baby's head the first time ^_^

Baby Vincent weighed in at 8lbs 11oz and was 20.5 inches long born on his due date April 27th 2017 at 7:23 pm