Vent: IDK WTF he is doing.

My "situation" keeps in contact with my daughter. They're pretty close I guess and I don't mind (He isn't a weirdo. He's a good guy, he's just been a really sh*t boyfriend). Then he calls me this morning because he gets a call from some number that isn't blocked, that he called back and left a message for. The reason why he called me was to see if it was me calling him. What in the actual f***?! If I want to reach out to him, I will do it from my phone- unblocked. Then he said he knows. Then why did you call me to ask me that? Yet he had been treating me hot and cold for a while. He confuses me so much and I hate that because I'm trying to forget him and this makes me miss him all over again. 😢 It doesn't help that I'm on my period and emotional today either.