Irate with husband

I'm a SAHM to 3 kids under 3. My husband is barely ever home anymore. He's out with friends most nights during the week and when he is here he's usually sleeping or complaining about something. This morning I took my 3 kids to the park. My two year old son was running, fell, hit his head against the metal edge of the slide and his head split open. I was hysterical. He was completely fine apart from the cut so I rushed him to the ER with all 3 kids. I called my husband while I was there and asked if he could leave work early (since Saturday isn't a busy day for him work wise) to look after the kids. He told me no.  My son ended up getting stitches and we came home. My husband arrived home 7 hours later, looked at my sons head and called me a negligent mother. I told him that my son fell while I was taking my 7 month old out of the stroller and he said that I should have been watching him. He then told me I need to be "on top of this stuff more", like I haven't already beat myself up enough about it? Literally thirty seconds after he says this he tells me he's going down to our hometown tonight to hang out with some friends and he won't be home until tomorrow. I was so pissed all I could do was laugh. Like fucking seriously? I'm the negligent parent but you're fine leaving for the night to go hang out with your friends. I'm so mad. He then tells me this is going to be happening more and more because he's helping his friend "rebuild a car" for extra money on the side. Even though we in no way need extra money it's just an excuse for him to not be home. The kids were a decision we both made and he didn't start acting like this until right before he third was born. Within five minutes of telling me he was leaving he was gone with zero discussion. What would you do?