My Induction Story

My sweet girl is here! I asked to be induced and my doctor finally let me but didn't want me to at 40 weeks and 6 days. I went in last weds the 26th, at 445 and start cervadill at ohh, 7/8 pm. Which is meant to soften your cervix but not dilate or bring on contractions. But contractions started naturally and they got pretty intense, with Benadryl and Tylenol it help me sleep thru them. The next morning at 7 am they took it out and I was still dilated to a 1.5 CM and effaced 70% and really soft, my cervix was the reason I wanted to be induced. I had been at this same 1.5&70 for 6 weeks. My two other major concerns were that each of my babies were born with the cord around their necks twice and my first born had a bowl movement in me. Anyways so next morning they started the pit about 8 am. I have never had an epidural and was told I needed one bc my chances for a c section were too high. So I asked for the epidural as soon as my contractions were 1.5-2 mins apart. Which was like 45 mins after the pit. I won't even start my epidural story- it was awful. AWFUL. When the doctor has to call his boss to come finish it you know you should of never got it. Anyways I dilated to a 4 quickly but stopped there. And was still at only 70% and my cervix and baby was still high. They broke my water and they could see my baby did have her first BM in me which was my concern and just made me feel better about pushing forward with the induction. A little before 6 pm my doctor came and checked me and I was a 8 and 90-100 effaced. They had to wait for the new doctor on call to come in and they started breaking down the table and prepping the room. I pushed for 27 minutes and my daughter was born at 737 pm! 8 lbs 12 ounces and is a stronger fighter. Cord was indeed wrapped around twice around her neck and she was covered in poo. My pain never got above I honestly would say like a 4-6. This is my third child and I did my first natural with a 4th degree tear, my second child I did natural with forced forceps (they had to pull baby out of me). I did this one natural and it was awful when it came time to push. I mainly blame my epidural bc all the complications with the guy inserting it, I couldn't tell when to push I hated having a nurse tell me when to and I just felt like I was pushing so hard and not progressing which wasn't the case but no more epidurals for this girl!! Anyways just hate seeing everyone say how awful their inductions were which I believe they can be but I just want others to know they aren't all awful! Here's a pic of my Lennox Jane!