preventing pregnancy but still expecting to be pregnant

Not sure where else to post this:
Okay so hubby and I have our wonderful little girl and are working on getting better jobs and possibly find a new home within the next year so we agreed that we were going to hold off on having another.
So since I'm Breastfeeding still and the pill (even the mini pill) makes me sick we decided no birth control just condoms, spermicide, and charting. Well with the kiddo and our jobs Sex is scarce anayway so haven't worried too much about it. 
Started charting and taking opks this month so I'd know when to avoid sex... well hubby got in the mood one night and before I could get the contraceptive method unwrapped he was in and done... which doesn't bother me except the opk came up positive two days later so there is this chance that I might be preggo.
So being the POAS addict that I am started testing at like 5dpo and everything has come back negative.
Have had things that feel like symptoms though, threw up late Tuesday night (and I've been nauseous off and on since then (to be fair that could be nerves).
My real issue is this is not what we want or need right now. (We would figure it out if I am and hubby is fine if it happens) but since it's such a bad time I shouldn't want this... but I do. So bad! I am dying to see a positive test. It would create such a mess of our situation but that part gets drowned out by this crazy desire to be pregnant again. To hold a little baby.
I think I'm driving my husband crazy and he has expressed some concern about my ... obsession over the tests. It's kind of been keeping me up at night.
How do I let this go when I want it so badly??
Edit: currently 8/9 dpo