would this bother you?

My boyfriend and I have been together for 2 and 1/2 years, he's turning 24 soon but still doesn't have his life together. When we first met he told me he would try to become better, and he made all sorts of promises. That was only a few months towards the beginning, then we got serious and I would bring up things related to commitment and he would totally avoid it.. as if I never said anything at all. I finally got him to go back to to school, but that only lasted 2 months and he stopped going... we moved away from our hometown and in together, but right when we moved out he wanted to move back in with his family. They really are a huge burden to him. They don't seem to want what's best for him. They want him to work and cover their expenses and juggle all of their problems for him. So he never really made anything of himself. He gets so stressed out and just drinks and waste his life away each day. A month ago I found out that he smokes weed, and he does it three sometimes 4/5 times a day. It took me some time to adjust because I am against it, but he said it was for medical reasons and it keeps him from killing himself or hating himself. Okay? Living here his family covers his expenses whatever money he makes he spends on useless items, he constantly asks for money. A couple of weeks ago I found out I was pregnant and he just automatically said he doesn't want it, that abortion would be the best. I know he's still anxious about life he's still just playing, he plays video games everyday from the moment he wakes up until the next morning.. and he sleeps until the afternoon. He works 2 days a week and he complains he hates it.. when I'm the one that works my ass off to cover my part of rent and expenses while all of his is covered for. Mind me tell you, I despise his family. They tried to break us off so many times because I don't come from a wealthy family, but his family is messed up and way poor in reality than my family is. My parents got married young, managed to finish school while having us, and being able to provide for us while working and juggling school. We are an average family. My dad is a mechanical engineer and my mom runs a salon. There salary might not be enough for 6 kids sometimes, but I grew up in a decent family. I guess what bothers me is that they are always on his ads about everything and saying that he's broke because of me when  he doesn't even spend a dime on me really. He bus groceries sometimes and that's it, but it's the the things he needs for his body since he workouts and I don't. What makes me more upset is that he hasn't mentions or wanted to talk about this baby at all. He walks away from me, doesn't look at me, or even touches me. I asked him why and he just seems so disgusted that I have a child in me now. Well his friend got a bike recently and now a few days later he's getting one too he told me this time around he would do it himself and go borrow money from the bank but apparently he's already told his family before he told me.. which is the norm when something happens he tells his sister whom I hate most he tells her first and ask for her opinion on everything. Their relationship disturbs me sometimes. She makes us leave our dates, tells him that I make his life hard and just she's just too much. She goes to the hospital for fun just so she can get ahold of him. But he's getting this bike and his family is paying for it. And I'm like really we are having a child what are you going to do for it? But he told me he doesn't want to be in his life so I told him I will not put him as the father of our child on the baby's registry. I am so annoyed by the way he's acting. He's changed so much. His only priority apparently is to repay his family and buy his sister a beach house. He wants to become a pharmacist because his sister wants him to and because he would be able to get drugs for her since she has bad kidneys and goes to dialysis. He already sends her money each month when if I ask him for some money since I'm stuck he says I'm a gold digger. When we are about to have a family together and he doesn't want to spend a dime on me or the baby. I just feel like I'm doing too much but I'm holding on because of our baby. He won't go back to school, get a better job, think about how we will raise this baby if we are together, and now he's buying a bike that's a few grand. And he says he needs it. He also said to give birth to the child and his family will take care of it. I'm sorry this post is so long and out of place, but I have so much on my mind right now. 
Please comment on what you would do, how you feel about this, and any personal advice I would highly appreciate it.