Do I have HG?

I know this is long, but I'm hoping someone can shed some light on what's going on with me!
With my first pregnancy I had horrible nausea and threw up about 5 to 6 times a day (from about 8 weeks to 16 weeks). I only weigh around 125 lbs, and I lost around 6 lbs during that period and didn't even get above pre pregnancy weight until 26 weeks. I tried all the typical home remedies for morning sickness, but nothing helped. I didn't have any prenatal care until around 20 weeks due to insurance issues, so I was never on any meds for it and by the time I started prenatal care I was able to function and just chalked it up to having horrible morning sickness. I had a bit of resurgence of this sickness around 38 weeks, but never vomited again until I went into labor. 
With my second pregnancy, I got horribly nauseous at 6 weeks and had a hard time making it through the day at work. I was afraid of being sick for as long as I had been during my last pregnancy and I begged my midwife for some kind of medication to help with the nausea. They told me to try the things that I had last time so I did, but again nothing helped and at 7 weeks I was throwing up about 4 or 5 times a day. They refused to put me on diclegis until I was 12 weeks along and that slowed the vomiting to twice a day, but did nothing for the nausea. I was horribly nauseous until around 26 weeks, but my midwife told me they didn't care about the nausea as long as I was keeping some food down. I only lost two or three lbs and then gained steadily til the end. 
This time the nausea started before I even took a pregnancy test, and I am still horribly nauseous at 18.5 weeks. I started diclegis as soon as I knew I was pregnant, and only threw up about once a day until 12 weeks, but the nausea has been even more debilitating this time. I lost 17 lbs this time, and still haven't made it back to pre pregnancy weight. My midwife has said that there's nothing stronger she can give me and that it almost sounds like I have HG, except I'm not throwing up enough? I'm not really sure how much would be "enough" to be diagnosed with HG, but this doesn't seem like normal morning sickness to me. I also feel like maybe I'm throwing up less this time because I was on the diclegis a lot earlier and it may have saved me from that agony this time around? It really does seem to help with that, just not the nausea. 
I am nauseous constantly, even in my sleep. It wakes me up at night. This pregnancy has been the worst by far, and I haven't even been able to shower or brush my teeth every day. There were several weeks when I barely left my bed. Lights, motion, and even loud noises would make me nauseous at that point for several weeks. It is slowly getting better every day, but I am still not functioning at 100% most days. I also always have this bitter/metallic taste in my mouth. There are no foods that tastes good, and I have been living on just a few items that I can bear to eat. 
I feel like my midwife has pretty much just left me to suffer through once again, and it is extremely overwhelming and frustrating at times because I feel like I'm on my own and no one can help me get through this. I would like to have more children after this baby, but I'm not sure I can go through this again for months at a time especially with three small children. 
I guess I'm just wanting to ask if this sounds like it could be HG? Or if this is just how morning sickness is and I'm just not handling it well? Can you have HG even if it is mostly nausea and not as much vomiting? I have heard that people with HG vomit so much that they have to be hospitalized, and I am definitely grateful that it hasn't ever been that bad. I'm just wondering if this might be a milder form of HG? My midwife doesn't seem to be much help with any of this. ☹️