Aunt Flo is late, should I take another test or is it still to soon?

Leslie • LouLou1677 TTC 🌈👶🏼👶🏼
  I have PCOS, my dr put me on bc. Since January I have had a cycle every month. My cycles had been coming a week befor my sugar pills. This month I'm on my sugar pills and still haven't started. I took to test, one on Mon 24 and then on Thu 27. They both came up negative. I have had the dark discharge. But only a few time. One time Sunday 30th night and Tuesday02 and that's it. When I pee an swipe I can see a little color. But that was on Tue 02 when that happened. Sunday morning and evening I felt a little nauseated but haven't felt nauseated sense then. I have been cramping but not real bad, just enough to let me know something is going on. Kind like when you first start you cramp lightly. I also have had back pain here and there. I thanking about another test but I'm very scared it will say negative!😣😭
My husband and I have been married for 7 years and have not done anything to stop us from getting pregnant. It just hasn't been Gods timing. We have went to the dr and they said it is possible for us. His count is just a little low and I have pcos, so I will just make it hard for us to.
I have been very emotional this month I want to be blessed so bad with a baby or twins. Two people have announced that they are pregnant in my church. I'm so happy for them but emotional bc I haven't yet. I'm sure y'all know what I mean. It's a roller coaster in trying to have a baby.🎢