Never really compliments me....

Okay so I have had this issue for a long while. My boyfriend of 4years never really says I am good-looking or pretty or cute or gorgeous. He always just says 'you hair is done nicely today' or 'your makeup is nice'.

The only time he ever calls me sexy is when we are having sex?

Am I being vain or what? Or just paranoid?

I just can't remember the last time he has complimented me for being me. Like I am not the best looking person and I was never known for being the pretty one but I dunno I would like to think that my boyfriend at least finds me pretty?? But he has never really said it.

I try to say that he looks very handsome or good-looking every so often. But he never says anything back. Any advice?

Or am I just being a vain whiny bitch? 😂😂