I tested a few days before af was due on the 28th & got very faint positives that was clearly their. I started af 2 days early on the 26th. Normal flow, bright red small clots the first day, then by the second day it was very light pink when I wiped only and I seen it once the day after my period was suppose to stop. I tested again after bleeding had stopped & it was fault again! I waited 3 more days to confirm & it was even fainter which makes me think it just wasn't even their? I was expecting a
bfp by then. It's been 6 days since my period has completely stopped & I'm in my estimated fertile window now. If I didn't have a bfp by now does that mean I'm out? Has anyone ever gotten faint positives that got lighter before a bfp? I've talked with my SIL who is an RN & has 2 kids of her own and she said I was still testing to early & that I was even lucky to have a faint positive that early (which was after af). She seems to thank I need to wait a week & retest, but I'm thinking I'm out. Please tell me I'm the comments when you got your bfp & if it was around 20 days after ovulating.
(The darkest faint positive I got, lightly edited & took within time frame)
(What my period was like for 5 days, including the extra day)