The Date

So that date went good (btw his name is cody) he took us to see power rangers (cause were both lame and love the power rangers)and as we were driving back to his house (staying at his house for another week until my mom gets back) he asked me to be his girlfriend 😍😍😍 of course my awkward ass froze but eventually I got out a mumbled yes so ya girl is no longer single the only thing is we cant tell eather of our family's till my mom gets back because his dad is realy a strict about girlfriends spending the night blah blah blah we also said I love you last night I know we had only been dating for a couple of hours but we have both felt that way for the longest time and it just felt right we hung out in his room all night and just talked (and made out😏). We were making out and I was on top of him and it started to get kinda heated I was taking off his and my own shirt and when i went for his pants he stopped me and told me he didnt want to rush things especially after what I had been through when I was younger (I was raped and abused by my step dad from when I was 10 till I told someone at the age of 12 that's what triggered my selfharm but im better now and he is in prison) after that we just cuddled and talked until we both fell asleep Idk about you but that was the perfect date to me ❤