Breaking Things Off???

I've been dating my boyfriend for just over 8 months, and I feel like we're slowly starting to drift apart (or at least I am). Over the past couple months, I've just been getting kind of annoyed by him and felt as though our relationship is more of a chore than something that I want to do. He just doesn't make me feel the same way that he used to. 
Despite all of this, I can't just break up with him. He's been struggling with his depression recently and has threatened suicide and harmed himself over the past 4 months or so. His family has tried to get him help, but he is being stubborn as usual and his depression gives him the mind set that no one cares, despite the fact that everyone does. Having depression run in my family, I know that it's not just something that can easily be controlled. I feel like everything going on with him has put too much stress on me. I've been having a lot of anxiety recently because of all of this and it's been takin a huge toll on my mental health. He has been so up and down sometimes, and can often be quite rude to me.
 I'm just scared that he will hurt himself in some way or get worse if I break up with him, but several of my friends and our mutual friends have told me that I need to do what is best for me. I know that he is still very much into me. I care about his safety and happiness so much, but I just don't feel the same for him anymore.
If anyone has even a little bit of advice to help me out right now, I would appreciate it a lot.❤️