Getting hopeful!

Pauline • 🌻pcos🌻ttc2🌻20🌻preemie mom🌻

Hoping for a good sign. But I'm not hoping to hard bc I don't wanna get to excited....

Cervix has moved alot in just 24hrs (I checked the same time the last two days) I've been tracking it kinda odd for it to be moving "high" again after ovulation.... It's placement is now medium /middle soft (like rotten fruit) but hard around the opening of the cervix. Still very moist I have creamy cm for the first time today. (Lightly right now) I'm really hoping this continues and is a good sign. last month my cervix at this point was hard to reach. And very hard. What do u ladies think that track:)?

I know it's to early to test but before the baby impants you can kinda know by your cervix normally happens after 12hrs of conception to provide a safe place for the baby to implant.!