husband won't put out!

I've been getting daily bloodwork for almost a week now to detect my LH Surge for <a href="">IUI</a> and my RE says surge will probably happen tomorrow and <a href="">IUI</a> on Tuesday. He's not supposed to ejaculate for no less than 2 days and no more than 3 so his sperm count will be good but I want to make sure we have the best chance possible conceiving so I wanted to have sex today Sunday. He won't and says it will affect his count, yet he continues to drink beer. I'm pretty sure the beer is just as bad for his count. We are both frustrated and irritable with all that has been involved over the past 4 years and especially this cycle. I have been a human pin cushion we have missed So much work we are almost out of vacation time and the <a href="">IUI</a> on Tuesday will interfere with a procedure he has scheduled already. I just want this cycle to work, am I crazy for wanting to have sex to up our chances of conceiving? Before and  After my first <a href="">IUI</a> he wouldn't have sex and I didn't get pregnant. Ugh he wants this baby as much as i do why won't he just do it?!?