Endless Sickness still @ 25 weeks


I am 25 weeks pregnant now and have been suffering from nausea and vomiting nearly every day. It comes at all times of the day and has caused me a great deal of stress and pain. It's been hard for me to gain any weight throughout pregnancy; I have only gained 2.5 pounds in the last 4 months. I have been prescribed many different medicines, including: unisom & b vitamins, zofran, promethazine, and the most recent prescription is metoclopramide (reglan). At first, these medicines seemed to help for a day or two and then they all eventually ended up not helping at all. I keep having to call out of work because of my constant vomiting and it's taken a toll on my daily life. I have a hard time keeping up with daily tasks now, as I am always in bed sick. I am getting so very frustrated with how ill I am, and I don't know what to do anymore. I feel as though I don't know how much longer I can handle being this sick, and I may lose my mind soon. I am very close to hitting a breaking point and I need help. I've changed my diet completely; I've tried herbal remedies and teas. I've tried crackers in the AM w a soda, I've tried only lying on my left side. I've tried sleeping while sitting up, I've gotten a pregnancy pillow, I've gotten the nausea bands, I've tried ginger, I've tried the preggy pops, crushed ice, protein shakes, fruit smoothies.... I really have exhausted my resources at this point and I am hoping that someone out there can help reccomend something that might help me so that I do not throw up anymore. I've spend the entire night throwing up endlessly (yet again) and I just don't know what to do anymore. Thank you for your time 🙏🏼